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Verify Payee Input File


The current version is 1.

File format specification

The CSV payment import file is a comma separated values file consisting of several different records.

Each field is contained within quotes. Do this so that commas and special characters are interpreted correctly.

Record types

The structure of a Verify Payee file is:

  • One header record
  • One or more verify records
  • One trailer record
Record Type Description Comment
H File Header record One record per file.
V Verify Payee record One per account you wish to verify.
T File Trailer Record One record per file.

H - File header record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes H Record Type
2 Customer Code 1/10 Yes Alphanumeric Customer Code as provided by Qvalent. This code uniquely identifies the client organisation within the PaymentsPlus platform.
3 Customer Name 1/40 Yes Alphanumeric Customer Name as provided by Qvalent (for human readable purposes only).
4 Customer File Reference 1/20 Yes Alphanumeric Customers reference for the file.
5 Version 1/1 Yes 1 This field must be present with the value of 1.

V - Verify Payee record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes V Record Type
2 Name 1/100 Yes Alphanumeric Payee name or account name of the account to be verified.
3 BSB 6/7 Yes Numeric NNNNNN BSB number of the account to be verified. With or without the – is accepted.
4 Account Number 6/9 Yes Numeric Account number of the account to be verified.

T - Trailer record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes T Record Type
2 Total Record Count 1/10 Yes Numeric NNN Total number of records in the file. This should add up to the count of all the V records in the file.

Sample file

"H","TEST","Test Facility","FILE123","1"
"V","Payee Name","032-006","123465"
"V","Payee Name Two","032006","123466"

Verify Payee Response File

This file details the results of a verify payee file that has been processed.


The current version is 1.

File format specification

The CSV payment import file is a comma separated values file consisting of several different records.

Each field is contained within quotes. Do this so that commas and special characters are interpreted correctly.

Record types

The structure of a Verify Payee response file is:

  • One header record
  • One or more verify records
  • One trailer record
Record Type Description Comment
H File Header record One record per file.
V Verify Payee response record One per account that was verified.
T File Trailer Record One record per file.

H - File header record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes H Record Type
2 Customer Code 1/10 Yes Alphanumeric Customer Code as provided by Qvalent. This code uniquely identifies the client organisation within the PaymentsPlus platform.
3 Customer Name 1/40 Yes Alphanumeric Customer Name as provided by Qvalent (for human readable purposes only).
4 Customer File Reference 1/20 Yes Alphanumeric Customers reference for the file.
5 Version 1/1 Yes 1 This field must be present with the value of 1.

V - Verify Payee record

Field Number Field Name Format Description
1 Record Type V Record Type
2 Name Alphanumeric Payee name or account name of the account to be credited.
3 BSB Numeric NNN-NNN BSB number of the account that was verified.
4 Account Number Numeric Account number of the account to be credited.
5 Result Alpha One of the following: ERROR, MISMATCH, NOMATCH, MATCH
6 Description Alpha The description of the verify payee check result. Can be:
ERROR - There's a technical issue and we can't check if the name you've entered is commonly used for this account. Learn more: https:///docs/user-guides/user-guide/#verify-payee
MISMATCH - The name you’ve entered doesn’t match payments made by other customers to this account. Learn more: https:///docs/user-guides/user-guide/#verify-payee
NOMATCH - We can't find enough payments made by other customers to this account. Learn more: https:///docs/user-guides/user-guide/#verify-payee
MATCH -The name you've entered appears to match payments made by other customers to this account. Learn more: https:///docs/user-guides/user-guide/#verify-payee

T - Trailer record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes T Record Type
2 Total Record Count 1/10 Yes Numeric NNN Total number of records in the file. This should add up to the count of all the V records in the file.

Sample file

H,TEST,Test Facility,FILE123,1
V,Payee Name,032-006,123465,MATCH,The name you've entered appears to match payments made by other customers to this account. Learn more:
V,Payee Name Two,032006,123466,MATCH,The name you've entered appears to match payments made by other customers to this account. Learn more:
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