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Australian payment import CSV

Use this file specification to import Australian payments into PaymentsPlus.


The current version is 6. Upgrade to this version by following the migration notes.

File format specification

The CSV payment import file is a comma separated values file consisting of several different records.

Each field is contained within quotes. Do this so that commas and special characters are interpreted correctly.

Data considerations

Refer to the following for important data considerations.

Australian Direct Entry (EFT)

  • The total amount of Australian Direct Entry (EFT) transactions in a file cannot exceed 99,999,999
  • The total count of Australian Direct Entry (EFT) transactions in a file cannot exceed 999,999

Record types

The structure of a CSV payment import file is:

  • One header record
  • One or more payment records
    • Zero or more remittance records
    • Zero or more invoice records
  • One trailer record

There are 7 different payment record types and each payment record can be accompanied with additional remittance information.

Record Type Description Comment
H File Header record One record per file. A file will consist of a mixture of one or more payments via EFT, Cheque, BPAY, RTGS, Remittance Only or OTT.
E EFT Payment record One per EFT payment. An EFT payment may also contain a remittance record and zero or more invoice records.
O Osko Payment record One per Osko payment. An Osko payment may also contain a remittance record (Email only) and zero or more invoice records.
C Cheque Payment record One per Cheque payment A cheque payment must be followed by a remittance record which can then be followed by zero or more invoice records.
B BPAY Payment record One per BPAY payment A BPAY payment may also contain a remittance record and zero or more invoice records.
RT Real Time Payment record One per Real Time (RTGS) payment. A RTGS payment may also contain a remittance record and zero or more invoice records.
RO Remittance Only Payment record One per Remittance Only payment. A Remittance Only payment must be followed by a remittance record which can then be followed by zero or more invoice records.
OTT Overseas Telegraphic Transfer record One per Overseas Telegraphic Transfer (OTT) payment. An OTT payment may also contain a remittance record and zero or more invoice records.
R Remittance Record One record per payment. Must follow an E, C, B, RT, RO or OTT record. No remittance record is required if no remittance is being sent. Cheque and Remittance Only payments require a remittance record.
RP Remittance Pass Through Record Optional - one record per remittance. Must follow a remittance record.
I Invoice Record Zero or more per payment. Must follow a remittance record. If a remittance record exists for the payment, the remittance record must appear before the invoice records.
IP Invoice Pass Through Record Optional - one record per invoice. Must follow an invoice record.
T File Trailer Record One record per file.

H - File header record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes H Record Type
2 Customer Code 1/10 Yes Alphanumeric Customer Code as provided by Qvalent. This code uniquely identifies the client organisation within the PaymentsPlus platform.
3 Customer Name 1/40 Yes Alphanumeric Customer Name as provided by Qvalent (for human readable purposes only).
4 Customer File Reference 1/20 Yes Alphanumeric Customers reference for the file.
- For cheques, EFTs, this reference will be included as part of the bulk debit transaction data appearing on the client bank statement.
- This reference may be truncated (max cheque debit reference length = 10 chars, max EFT debit reference length = 18 chars).
5 Scheduled Date 8/8 Yes Date DDMMCCYY The date that the file is sent for processing. A file with a past date is automatically sent for processing upon being authorised, or immediately if file authorisation is not enabled.
6 Currency 3/3 Yes AUD Must be AUD. For Overseas payments the currency is specified in the actual payment record
7 Version 1/1 Yes 6 This field must be present with the value of 6. If it's not included the payment file will be processed according to an older, incompatible, version of this specification and may cause unexpected behaviour.

E - EFT payment record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes E Record Type
2 Recipient Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric Must match an existing recipient record in PaymentsPlus. This is only available as part of a premium solution, unused unless agreed with Westpac during implementation.
3 Payer Payment Reference 1/15 No Alphanumeric Payers reference for the payment. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Payer Ref: on standard remittances. Invalid characters will be removed.
4 Payment Amount 4/11 Yes Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Amount of the payment. Positive, non-zero, 99999999.99 maximum.
5 Recipient Reference (Lodgement Reference) 1/18 Yes Alphanumeric This will be the lodgement reference that appears on the payee's bank statement. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Reference No: on standard remittances. Invalid characters will be removed.
6 BSB Number 6/7 Yes BSB-BSB Bank State Branch number of the account to be credited.
7 Account Number 1/9 Yes Alphanumeric Account number of the account to be credited.
8 Account Name 1/32 Yes Alphanumeric Account name of the account to be credited.
9 Funding BSB Number 6/7 No BSB-BSB The Bank State Branch number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
10 Funding Account Number 1/9 No Alphanumeric The account number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
11 Remitter Name 1/16 No Alphanumeric An optional remitter name to use with the outgoing EFT payment. If a name is not provided, the current account default will be used.

O - Osko payment record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes O Record Type
2 Recipient Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric Must match an existing recipient record in PaymentsPlus. This is only available as part of a premium solution, unused unless agreed with Westpac during implementation.
3 Debtor Information 1/35 No Alphanumeric The reference assigned by the sending party for the payment. This information appears in the payer's bank statement. It may vary depending on the type of statement format configured for the payer.
4 Payment Amount 4/15 Yes Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Amount of the payment, which must be positive and non-zero. The maximum Osko payment amount is 99,999,999.99
5 End To End ID 1/35 No Alphanumeric A reference assigned by the initiating party to unambiguously identify the payment. This identifier is passed on unchanged throughout the entire end-to-end payment flow. The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the payment.
6 Account Identifier 1/19 Yes Alphanumeric Account details to be credited. For "BBAN" (Basic Bank Account Number) transactions this should be full account number without spaces or hyphen.
For example BSB: 062000 Account number: 1234 5678 populate: 06200012345678.
7 Account Scheme Name 1/4 Yes Alphanumeric Name of the identification scheme for the account to be credited. Currently only "BBAN" is accepted.
8 Payee Account Name 1/140 Yes Alphanumeric Account name of the account to be credited.
9 Funding BSB Number 6/7 No BSB-BSB The Bank State Branch number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
10 Funding Account Number 1/9 No Alphanumeric The account number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
11 Remittance Information 1 1/140 No Alphanumeric Remittance information accompanying the Osko payment.
12 Remittance Information 2 1/140 No Alphanumeric Remittance information accompanying the Osko payment.

C - Cheque payment record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes C Record Type
2 Recipient Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric Must match an existing recipient record in PaymentsPlus. This is only available as part of a premium solution, unused unless agreed with Westpac during implementation.
3 Payer Payment Reference 1/15 No Alphanumeric Payers reference for the payment.
- It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Payer Ref: on standard remittances.
4 Payment Amount 4/10 Yes Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Amount of the payment, which must be positive and non-zero.
5 Recipient Reference (Cheque Number) 1/7 No Numeric The cheque number of the cheque to be issued. Cheque numbers must be either all provided, or not provided at all. Appears as Cheque No:on standard remittances. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Whether or not the customer will provide cheque numbers will be arranged during implementation.
6 Funding BSB Number 6/7 No BSB-BSB The Bank State Branch number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
7 Funding Account Number 1/9 No Alphanumeric The account number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.

B - BPAY payment record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes B Record Type
2 Recipient Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric Must match an existing recipient record in PaymentsPlus. This is only available as part of a premium solution, unused unless agreed with Westpac during implementation.
3 Payer Payment Reference 1/15 No Alphanumeric Payers reference for the payment. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Payer Ref: on standard remittances.
4 Payment Amount 4/10 Yes Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Amount of the payment, which must be positive and non-zero.
5 BPAY Biller Number 1/10 Yes Numeric BPAY Biller Number.
6 Recipient Reference (BPAY CRN) 1/20 Yes Numeric BPAY Customer Reference Number. Appears as CRN:on standard remittances.
7 Funding BSB Number 6/7 No BSB-BSB The Bank State Branch number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
8 Funding Account Number 1/9 No Alphanumeric The account number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.

RT - Real time payment record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 2/2 Yes RT Record Type
2 Recipient Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric Must match an existing recipient record in PaymentsPlus. This is only available as part of a premium solution, unused unless agreed with Westpac during implementation.
3 Payer Payment Reference 1/15 No Alphanumeric Payers reference for the payment. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Payer Ref: on standard remittances. This reference will NOT be included as part of the debit transaction data appearing on the client bank statement.
4 Payment Amount 4/11 Yes Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Amount of the payment, which must be positive and non-zero.
5 Recipient Reference (Lodgement Reference) 1/16 Yes Alphanumeric This reference will be included as part of the credit transaction data appearing on the payee bank statement as WBC PAYPLUS-<Reference>. <Reference> may be truncated by the receiving bank. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Reference No: on standard remittances.
6 BSB Number 6/7 Yes BSB-BSB Bank State Branch number of the account to be credited.
7 Account Number 1/15 Yes Alphanumeric Account number of the account to be credited.
8 Account Name 1/35 Yes Alphanumeric Account name of the account to be credited.
9 Funding BSB Number 6/7 No BSB-BSB The Bank State Branch number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
10 Funding Account Number 1/9 No Alphanumeric The account number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.

RO - Remittance Only payment record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 2/2 Yes RO Record Type
2 Recipient Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric Must match an existing recipient record in PaymentsPlus. This is only available as part of a premium solution, unused unless agreed with Westpac during implementation.
3 Payer Payment Reference 1/15 No Alphanumeric Payers reference for the payment. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Payer Ref: on standard remittances.
4 Recipient Reference 1/18 No Alphanumeric Recipient reference for the payment. Appears as Reference No:on standard remittances.
5 Payment Amount 4/10 Yes Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Amount of the payment.

OTT - Overseas Telegraphic Transfer record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 3/3 Yes OTT Record Type
2 Recipient Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric Must match an existing recipient record in PaymentsPlus. This is only available as part of a premium solution, unused unless agreed with Westpac during implementation.
3 Payer Payment Reference 1/15 No Alphanumeric Payers reference for the payment. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Payer Ref:on standard remittances. This reference will NOT be included as part of the debit transaction data appearing on the client bank statement.
4 Payment Amount 4/11 Yes Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Amount of the payment, which must be positive and non-zero.
5 Payment Currency 3/3 Yes ISO currency code Must be a standard ISO currency code. eg -AUD, NZD, USD
6 Recipient Reference (Lodgement Reference) 1/16 Yes Alphanumeric This reference will be included as part of the credit transaction data appearing on the payee bank statement as WBC PAYPLUS-<Reference>. <Reference> may be truncated by the receiving bank. It is recommended that this value be unique for each payment. Appears as Reference No:on standard remittances.
7 Swift Code / BIC 8/11 Yes Alphanumeric The Swift Code / Bank Identification Code (BIC) identifying the bank branch where the payee account is held.
8 Account Number / IBAN 1/40 Yes Alphanumeric Account number of the account to be credited. For payments to EU (European) countries this should be a valid International Bank Account Number (IBAN).For payments to AU (Australia) the Account Number must be prefixed with the BSB Number.
9 Intermediary Swift Code / BIC 8/11 No Alphanumeric The Swift Code / Bank Identification Code (BIC) identifying the bank branch for the intermediary bank which the payment must pass through.
10 Payee Account Name 1/128 Yes Alphanumeric Account name of the account to be credited. This value may be truncated by the receiving bank.
11 Payee Street 1 1/35 Yes Alphanumeric The Registered Address associated with the payee bank account.
12 Payee Street 2 1/35 No Alphanumeric The Registered Address associated with the payee bank account.
13 Payee Street 3 1/35 No Alphanumeric The Registered Address associated with the payee bank account.
14 Payee City 1/25 Yes Alphanumeric The City of the registered address associated with the payee bank account.
15 Payee State 1/3 No Alphanumeric The State of the registered address associated with the payee bank account.
16 Payee Post Code 1/9 No Alphanumeric The Post Code of the registered address associated with the payee bank account. Required for AU addresses.
17 Payee Country 2/2 Yes Alpha The Country of the registered address associated with the payee bank account. Two character country code. E.g. AU, NZ. Examples of other country codes can be found here
18 Funding Amount 4/11 No Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC Funding Amount for the payment. Only necessary when dealer rates are being utilised.
19 Funding Currency 3/3 No ISO currency code Must be AUDor USD. If blank defaults to the currency of the payer's funding account.
20 Dealer Reference 1/16 No Alphanumeric The reference for a pre-arranged dealer currency exchange rate. Only necessary when dealer rates are being utilised.
21 Exchange Rate 6/13 No Numeric with decimal point. D.CCCC A pre-arranged dealer currency exchange rate. The Payment Amount must equal the Funding Amount * Exchange Rate. Only necessary when dealer rates are being utilised.
22 Funding BSB Number 6/7 No BSB-BSB The Bank State Branch number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
23 Funding Account Number 1/9 No Alphanumeric The account number for the funding account. Must be registered in PaymentsPlus prior to use.
24 Outgoing Payment Information Line 1 1/35 No Alphanumeric Additional payment information accompanying the OTT payment.
25 Outgoing Payment Information Line 2 1/35 No Alphanumeric Additional payment information accompanying the OTT payment.
26 Charge Bearer Code 4 No Alphanumeric The international charge bearer code to apply to this transaction. Available values are SHA/SHAR - Fees shared between payer and beneficiary and OUR/DEBT - Fees paid by ordering customer (payer). Note This is only available as part of a premium solution, this feature needs to be agreed and enabled by Westpac Implementation before use. If the feature is not enabled before processing it is ignored and the facility default will be used instead.

R - Remittance record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes R Record Type
2 Remittance Delivery Type 3/11 Yes Alphanumeric The delivery type for the remittance associated with this payment. Must be one of,
- POST - remittance will be delivered to the payee via post.
- POST_RETURN - remittance will be returned to the customer via post.
- POST_OS - remittance will be delivered to the payee via international post.
- POST_MULTI - remittances/cheques for the same address will the consolidated together in the same envelope and delivered to the payee via post.
- FAX - remittance delivered via facsimile.
- EMAIL - remittance delivered via email.
- NONE - no remittance will be provided.
If no remittance record is provided a remittance will not be delivered to the payee which is equivalent to providing a remittance record of type NONE.
3 Payee Name 1/35 Yes Alphanumeric Name of the payee.
- An extended payee name length (100 chars) is possible under some circumstances upon request.
4 Addressee Name 1/35 No Alphanumeric Defaults to Payee Name. Displayed on remittances above the address line.
5 Street 1 1/35 No Alphanumeric Required for POST, POST_OS and POST_MULTI remittance delivery type.
6 Street 2 1/35 No Alphanumeric Address line 2
7 Street 3 1/35 No Alphanumeric Address line 3
8 City 1/40(25) No Alphanumeric Required for POST, POST_OS and POST_MULTI remittance delivery type.
- Printed remittances are limited to 25 chars.
9 State 1/3 No Alphanumeric Required for POST and POST_MULTI remittance delivery type.
10 Post Code 1/9 No Alphanumeric Required for POST and POST_MULTI remittance delivery type.
11 Country 2/2 No Alpha Two character country code. E.g. AU, NZ.
12 Fax 1/15 No Alphanumeric Required for FAX remittance delivery type.
13 Email 1/128 No Alphanumeric Required for EMAIL remittance delivery type.
14 Remittance Layout Code 1/2 No Numeric Must be positive and greater than zero. The remittance layout codes will be agreed with Westpac during implementation.
15 Return To Address Identifier 1/1 No Alphanumeric An identifier representing a previously arranged return to postal address. Address details and identifier will be agreed with Westpac during implementation.

RP - Remittance Pass-through record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 2/2 Yes RP Record Type
2 Pass through Data 1/120 No Alphanumeric Pass through data specific to the client implementation (appears in PPS settlement file as 03A record position 381->500).

I - Invoice record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes I Record Type
2 Payers Invoice Number 1/20(10) No Alphanumeric The payers reference for the invoice. Printed remittances are limited to 10 chars.
Appears as Invoice Number on standard remittances.
3 Recipient Invoice Number 1/20 No Alphanumeric The recipients reference for the invoice. Available on printed remittances upon special request only (Additional CRN). Appears as Recipient Invoice Number on standard remittances.
4 Issued Date 8/8 No Date DDMMCCYY The date the invoice was issued. Appears as Invoice Date on standard remittances.
5 Due Date 8/8 No Date DDMMCCYY The date the invoice is due for payment. Appears as Due Date on standard remittances. Available on printed remittances only upon special request.
6 Invoice Amount 4/11 No Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC The amount of the invoice. If the invoice is negative (a credit note) prefix with -. Appears as Invoice Amounton standard remittances.
7 Invoice Amount Paid 4/11 No Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC The paid amount of the invoice. Appears as Amount Paid on standard remittances.
8 Invoice Description 1/80 No Alphanumeric Invoice Description. Appears as Invoice Description on standard remittances.
9 Deduction Amount 4/11 No Numeric with decimal point. DDDD.CC The amount of the deduction/discount. Appears as Deduction Amount on standard remittances.
10 Deduction Description 1/80 No Alphanumeric Description of the deduction/discount. Appears as Deduction Description on standard remittances.

IP - Invoice Pass-through record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 2/2 Yes IP Record Type
2 Pass through Data 1/120 No Alphanumeric Pass through data specific to the client implementation (appears in PPS settlement file as 03 record position 381->500).

T - Trailer record

Field Number Field Name Min/Max Length Required Format Description
1 Record Type 1/1 Yes T Record Type
2 Total Payment Count 1/10 Yes Numeric NNN sTotal number of payments in the payment file. This should add up to the count of all the E, C, B, RO, RT and OTT records in the file.
3 Total Payment Amount 1/15 Yes Numeric DDDDDD.CC Total amount of payments in the payment file. This must add up to the sum of all Payment Amount fields on each of the E, C, B, RO, RT and OTT records in the file.

Sample file

"E",,"REF00001","36.04","REF00001","062-000","000002","Payee 02","032-000","000007","Remitter Name"
"R","EMAIL","Payee 01","Addressee 01","Level 1","Wallsend Plaza",,"Wallsend","NSW","2287","AU",,"","1","1"
"I","1000000001","1000000001","26082016","01092016","36.04","36.04","Desc 1","0","Ded Desc 1"
"O",,"Debtor Information 01","100.00","EndToEndID01","062000000002","BBAN","Payee 02","032-000","000007","Remittance Information 1","Remittance Information 2"
"R","POST","Payee 02","Addressee 02","Level 1","Wallsend Plaza",,"Wallsend","NSW","2287","AU",,,"1","1"
"I","2000000001","2000000001","26082016","01092016","359.32","359.32","Desc 2","0","Ded Desc 2"
"I","2000000002","2000000002","26082016","01092016","359.33","359.33","Desc 3","0","Ded Desc 3"
"RT",,"REF00005","123.23","REF00005","062-000","000002","Payee 5","032-000","000007"
"R","EMAIL","Payee 05","Addressee 05","Level 1","Wallsend Plaza",,"Wallsend","NSW","2287","AU",,"","2","1"
"R","EMAIL","Payee 06","Addressee 06","Level 1","Wallsend Plaza",,"Wallsend","NSW","2287","AU",,"","2","1"
"OTT",,"REF00007","759.63","USD","REF00007","WBC12345XXX","032000000026",,"Payee 07","Level 1","Wallsend Plaza",,"Wallsend","NSW","2287","AU","995.58","AUD","0123456789","0.7630","032-000","000007","REF00071","REF00072", ""
"R","EMAIL","Payee 07","Addressee 07","Level 1","Wallsend Plaza",,"Wallsend","NSW","2287","AU",,"","2","1"

Sample remittance layout

Sample Remittance Layout

Note: Currency indicator on Amount Paid column is not included on post/fax remittances.

Australian payment import CSV migration notes

Migrating to version 6

Clients migrating from version 5 of the file specification should take note of the following changes introduced by version 6 of the Australian payment import CSV file specification.

Clients using versions 2, 3 or 4 of the file specification must update to version 5 first.

H - File Header Record

Version field (7) should have a value of 6

AU EFT Record

  • An optional remitter name has been included to use with the outgoing EFT payment. If a name is not provided, the current account default will be used.

OTT Overseas Telegraphic Transfer Record

  • An optional Charge Bearer field has been added to control the fee type sent with an individual overseas transaction.

ACH Record

  • Support for the ACH record type has been removed.

Migrating to version 5

Clients migrating from version 4 of the file specification should take note of the following changes introduced by version 5 of the Australian payment import CSV file specification.

Clients using versions 2 and 3 of the file specification must update to version 4 first.

H - File Header Record

Version field (7) should have a value of 5

OTT Overseas Telegraphic Transfer Record

  • Outgoing Payment Information Line 1 has been added to include additional information on the OTT payment
  • Outgoing Payment Information Line 2 has been added to include additional information on the OTT payment

Migrating to version 4

Clients migrating from versions 2 and 3 of the file specification should take note of the following changes introduced by version 4 of the Australian payment import CSV file specification.

H - File Header Record

Version field (7) should have a value of 4

E - EFT Payment Record

No significant changes.

C - Cheque Payment Record

No significant changes.

B - BPAY Payment Record

No significant changes.

RT - Real Time Payment Record

Recipient Reference (5) has been restricted to 16 chars.

RO - Remittance Only Payment Record

No significant changes.

OTT - Overseas Telegraphic Transfer Record

  • Payer Payment Reference (3) has been restricted to 15 chars.
  • Recipient Reference (6) has been restricted to 16 chars.
  • Payee Account Name (10) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Payee Street 1 (11) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Payee Street 2 (12) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Payee Street 3 (13) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Payee City (14) has been restricted to 25 chars.
  • Payee State (15) has been restricted to 3 chars.
  • Payee Postcode has been restricted to 9 chars.
  • Dealer Reference (20) was previously field 22.
  • Exchange Rate (21) was previously field 23.
  • Funding BSB Number (22) was previously field 20.
  • Funding Account Number (23) was previously field 21.

ACH - Citibank Automated Clearing House Record

  • Payer Payment Reference (3) has been restricted to 15 chars.
  • Recipient Reference (6) has been restricted to 14 chars.
  • Payee Account Name (11) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • New mandatory field Payee Street 1 (12).
  • New field Payee Street 2 (13).
  • New field Payee Street 3 (14).
  • New mandatory field Payee City (15).
  • New field Payee State (16).
  • New field Payee Post Code (17).
  • Payee Country (18) was previously field 12.
  • Funding BSB Number (19) was previously field 13.
  • Funding Account Number (20) was previously field 14.

R - Remittance Record

  • Payee Name (3) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Addressee Name (4) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Street 1 (5) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Street 2 (6) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • Street 3 (7) has been restricted to 35 chars.
  • State (9) has been restricted to 3 chars.
  • Post Code (10) has been restricted to 9 chars.
  • Fax (12) has been restricted to 15 chars.

RP - Remittance Pass through Record

No significant changes.

I - Invoice Record

  • New field Invoice Amount Paid (7).
  • Invoice Description (8) was previously field 7.
  • Deduction Amount (9) was previously field 8.
  • Deduction Description (10) was previously field 9.

IP - Invoice Pass through Record

No significant changes.

T - Trailer Record

No significant changes.

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Privacy Statement (for individuals whose personal information may be collected - in this clause referred to as "you"). All personal information we collect about you is collected, used and disclosed by us in accordance with our Privacy Statement which is available at Privacy Statement or by calling us through your relationship manager or Westpac representative. Our Privacy Statement also provides information about how you can access and correct your personal information and make a complaint. You do not have to provide us with any personal information but, if you don't, we may not be able to process an application or a request for a product or service.